I’ve been reading a book full of stories that come from the Irish verbal tradition of storytelling. And if you know any true Irish, you know how they love

their stories. The inspiration and some actual phrases in this article of mine are taken from one such story written down in Frank Delaney’s book Ireland.
As a voice teacher, I love working with singer-songwriters. Being a songwriter myself I always marvel at the creative process. Where do the ideas and inspiration come from? Frank Delaney’s Ireland tells a great tale about where poets get their words. I’ve adapted this story for songwriters.
Many a creative person has been questioned, “how did you ever think of that?” Very tough to answer with any clarity. In the Irish tradition of storytelling, there’s an answer to most everything as you will see.
No one actually writes a song. There’s no such action as writing a song. That’s not how songs become. Of course there sometimes is the physical process of writing the notes and lyrics on staff paper. But you can’t just grab a song from where it’s been living. You must wait for the song to arrive.
Songwriters, true songwriters, are merely very intense listeners who’ve learned to recognize when a song is dropping by. Then they copy down what the song is telling them in their heads. After that, they craft what they’ve heard, write it down, perform it out and then they have a finished song.
The thing about true songwriters is – they never have to wait for a song to drop by. No sooner do they listen out than a song swoops down, whispers something in their ear, and they feel it flowing into their brain, through their bodies and into their instruments.
Songs are like angels. They visit often, but you have to be watching for them, and you must believe in them to benefit from their gifts. They are ready to give. Are you ready to receive?
The creative process, creative energy, inspiration – call it what you will – is a mystery. It is its’ own miracle. To me, there is nothing more exciting and life affirming than creativity. It’s why we live and why we grow and how we connect with others.
However, what if the gods of music are sending you a melody to hear that has a wide range you believe you can’t sing? Your fear of that amazing melody will silence the voice inside of you. That can grind the creative process to a halt.
My student Sharon Fischman had that experience. She didn’t trust herself as a singer nor did she believe that she could sing…
“Before, I used to focus mainly on the drums and guitar. Sally patiently taught me the techniques of Sing Like You Speak™ and was very encouraging at every step. Within a short time, I started noticing significant improvement – my voice sounded richer and I had more range. I also began writing vocal melodies more easily. I used to feel that writing vocal parts were the hardest part of the songwriting process. Today, I feel more confident in my singing abilities and can’t wait to write more songs – its very liberating.” ~ Sharon Fischman
I’m so proud of Sharon and how much her singing and her songwriting have improved with Sing Like You Speak™! Proof positive is listening to Sharon’s original, Fly Into the Light. All the voices you hear are her as well as the drums and guitar.
A strong, healthy, free singing voice takes your songwriting to a whole new level. Imagine the infinite possibilities!
You too can learn to Sing Like You Speak™ with Sally online voice lessons at the Sing Like You Speak™ Academy Sssshhhh… It makes the perfect gift for your favorite songwriter too!
Honor your creativity. Keep listening! Keep writing songs! Sing! Music can heal our troubled planet.
Sally Morgan, NYC voice teacher, wrote the book on contemporary vocal technique — literally. Sing Like You Speak™ is specifically designed to restore the effortless vocal production that is natural to the human instrument making your singing powerful, joyful and free. Singing so simple it feels like talking to your best friend without sounding trained. Sally has been successfully teaching people how to sing for more than 35 years.
Sally has helped her clients heal vocal damage, expand vocal range, land a Broadway show, record their original music and tour internationally without vocal fatigue or strain. Besides teaching workshops Sally teaches private voice lessons and has developed online singing lessons – Sing Like You Speak™ Academy
You can see and hear some of Sally’s clients on Broadway stages, Off-Broadway, in Musical Theater – Regional, on Major Label Recordings, the Conan O’Brian show, A Prairie Home Companion and in Federal Courts, the PA House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate.
Sally teaches singing voice lessons in NYC and worldwide on ZOOM as well as online singing lessons on the Sing Like You Speak™ Academy
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