Can you imagine tens of thousands of people around the world singing the same song of peace every day?
When I sing, when you sing, you pulsate with sound vibration. You resonate with peace, love and joy! Singing just feels so good and happy and… well it feels like the meaning of life. When you feel joyful it’s impossible to have an argument or to be angry with someone or feel despair. If that sounds a bit whoo whoo, oh well. That has been my experience throughout my life.
I have been searching for a way to have a real and positive effect during these dire times in the U.S. Then I remembered the lyrics to a song I wrote many years ago, Peace of Blues.
There’s music in the moment
There’s nothin’ else but music
No angry words a-flyin’
Just gettin’ it on together
So come on let’s make music
It’s the one road back to peace I know
These lyrics said exactly what I need to hear and what I want to say to my global family of musicians. We shift the energy with every song we sing, play, dance and/or chant! This is what we can do to raise the vibration of peace around the planet.
That’s what Singers Practice Peace One Song At A Time is all about. Let’s overturn the negative rhetoric pervading our country and raise the vibration of peace by singing! Are you with me? Sign up to sing with us. When you do it becomes a richer experience for everyone because you have added your voice to many others worldwide! You will receive a series of emails with links to a few training videos.
The purpose of the training videos is to make your singing simple, free and joyful – so you can easily sing Peace.
Here’s how Singers Practice Peace One Song At A Time will unfold.
- Through a series of videos we will…
o Launch Singers Practice Peace and explain our mission
o Learn a few basic Sing Like You Speak® techniques - Learn the blues scale and 12-bar format
o Learn my original song Peace of Blues
• Ask singers to sing Peace of Blues every day a noon local time
• Singers will record themselves singing Peace of Blues with a professional track
• We will create a compilation video from those submitted
• Feature outstanding renditions of Peace of Blues as solo video performances
• Ask songwriters to submit original songs of peace for the next round
• Begin again with a new song
This is a massive undertaking so please consider a contribution to get it off the ground. I’ve started a GoFundMe campaign to help defray the costs involved with going viral. Will you please lead your support?
I am deeply grateful for whatever amount you can contribute. Then come sing with us!
Funds are needed for…
• Webmaster
• Social media expert
• Printed promo materials
• Musicians to record songs
• Video editor
Please forward this on to 3 people who value a peaceful planet. Thank you!
Peace of Blues
There’s music in the moment
There’s nothin’ else but music
No angry words a-flyin’
Just gettin’ it on together
So come on let’s make music
It’s the one road back to peace I knowWe carry out the secrets
Of gods encumbered
By prejudice and hatred
And misunderstanding
So come on let’s make music
It’s the one road back to peace I knowTake all that’s inside
And all that’s in the air
To spread harmony
It’s bindin’ us all together
So come on let’s make music
It’s the one road back to peace I know
Sally Morgan, NYC voice teacher, wrote the book on contemporary vocal technique — literally. Sing Like You Speak® is specifically designed to restore the effortless vocal production that is natural to the human instrument making your singing powerful, joyful and free. Singing so simple it feels like talking to your best friend without sounding trained. Sally has been successfully teaching people how to sing for more than 35 years.
Sally has helped her clients heal vocal damage, expand vocal range, land a Broadway show, record their original music and tour internationally without vocal fatigue or strain. Besides teaching workshops Sally teaches private voice lessons and has developed online singing lessons – Sing Like You Speak® Academy.
You can see and hear some of Sally’s clients on Broadway stages, Off-Broadway, in Musical Theater – Regional, on Major Label Recordings, the Conan O’Brian show, A Prairie Home Companion and in Federal Courts, the PA House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate.
Sally teaches singing lessons in NYC and worldwide on ZOOM as well as online voice lessons on the Sing Like You Speak® Academy
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